Transformative Living

Step into the flow & expand into the potency of FREEDOM!

Feel alive & alert to more joy, ease, peace, clarity & hope.

Our true power is Sourced in LOVE.

This is the time of the Great Remembering…

We are cosmic travelers accompanying each other home to our truth. The secret of a full life is the mind body connection to our very own nature.


I guide individuals to achieve balance and fulfillment in all areas of their lives. If you have been called from deep within your soul, to step up and embody your soul's purpose I offer an enlightened empowered life perspective for anyone ready & willing to pursue balance by changing what isn’t working.

As a guide, I lead you to your TRUTH, a reunion of your Heart & Soul’s knowing. 

That which is subconscious impacts our beliefs, thoughts and behavior, keeping us under a spell. When we embrace the shadow and bring it into the light, we emerge into a higher frequency. Transformation is not a one time event. We learn to invite it as we become mystics, able to perceive the non physical realm of dark and light. Learning to trust the HEART is required, to be free, sovereign. Wisdom is the application of Knowledge. Embodied learning is primary and primal.

When the gate of the HEART opens, every cell of the body instantly attunes to a new frequency!


Is a 3 month- 1:1 container, designed to reveal patterns that have been keeping you from living a joyful, creative, enriched life.

This work solidifies deep lasting shifts in new energy which brings awareness, more opportunities and love of all forms into your life.

Love & Liberate your Body

Our soul's deepest desire is to anchor into the frequency of FREEDOM & LOVE.

Many of us are driven by fear because of our life's circumstances, but the songs of suffering create a separation from the freedom that you desire. We have the ability to grow, to strengthen our courage, to evolve and transform, so that we can live in the expansion of our truth, joyfully, courageously, with hope, it’s the law of nature! 

Our true power is sourced in love. Learning to love what the unconscious has deemed unlovable IS the magic.  Through a heart centered approach. I’ll guide you to uncover the old truths you have been living by so that you may see the universal truth of what is available for you. We settle the noise, and amplify the harmony allowing your beauty within to come forward.  


I teach you how to UTILIZE YOUR ENERGY AS MEDICINE so that you hold the power to become the creatrix of the life you truly desire.

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This 1:1, half day retreat is designed for the more advanced soul experienced with integration.

Metamorphosis is a process of remarkable growth, renewal, and evolution, where old patterns, beliefs, and limitations are shed, giving way to a more empowered, authentic, and elevated state of existence.

Activate your Authenticity

Are you on the precipice of a major change? 

Ready for a breakthrough…to shed your tight skins of limitations? 

Are you ready to unearth the gift and be freed from carrying the imprint of trauma into your future?

Get next level clarity where you meet yourself & sink deeper into your TRUTH

In the composted fertile soil/soul we cultivate a metamorphosis and actualize higher states of divine consciousness

Embark on the Journey & THRIVE

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Hi, I’m Kristy and I embrace all of humanity and welcome all beings with loving compassion.

I am a creature of magic, rose & earthly romance. My life’s journey, a return to my soul. Recognizing my sensitivities as my superpower has allowed a deeper connection to my body as well as the Earth.

I am passionate about illuminating the way for spiritual leaders like you, to see the future through your heart. It is here –in the wholeness of an embodied approach– where we find the intelligence of change. Magnetize your soul’s purpose, let your love shine & find balance & fulfillment in all areas of your life!