

The magic begins in you. Feel your own energy and realize similar energy exists within the Earth, Stones, Plants, Water, Wind, Fire, Colors and Animals.

-Scott Cunningham


Intuitive Pet Communication Healing

Our pets need support too. I retrieve understanding and clarity about your pets life changes, ailments or transitions into death through shamanic journey and reiki. Pulling upon my ten years of experience as a vet technician I am able to merge the physical in the soul world to help provide clarity on a pets distress or ailment. Sessions bring physical healing and emotional ease to your pet.

You leave this distance session (or zoom session) with suggestions on how to bring added ease to your pet as well as allowing you the comfort to move forward with your pets care with physical grounded intuitive support to make the best decision for your pet. Very often you receive a healing right along with your pet as we are tied in unity.

Communication & or Healing- 60 minutes. Exchange $200

Reiki - Usui Shiki Ryoho

Reiki is the life force energy that flows through all living things.  This ancient Japanese tradition, restores balance and increases the rate of healing.  A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing. Many have reported miraculous results. Reiki eases anxiety & depression, alleviates stress and helps with pain. Plants and minerals may also be incorporated and placed on the body  to bring even deeper healing benefits. You begin your session by lying comfortably on a massage table; while you remain fully clothed, I gently and respectfully apply my hands in a series of  positions either on the body or just above the body. 

This modality is intermingled in all of my offerings    


Shamanic offerings


Sacred Soul Alignment

This a great choice for your first time working with me or for those who are open to receiving all channels of healing. In these sessions, I work with many of my offered modalities, spirit drums, sound, colors, light beings, animal spirits, elemental energies, and plants. I begin with a journey to my guides and plants to retrieve the medicine that wants to work with you and set the intention for your highest healing. This work knows no bounds. 

What does this session feel and look like? The session starts with a conversation into what your healing intentions are, working with any questions, fears and life changes. From here I tap into prayer, smudge and clear you. I am guided through an intuitive process as to what sound therapy and modalities to use. I will bring plants into the session, whether you are drinking them by tea or by placing the plants on the body.  I guide us through the journey with the plants to receive their guidance and wisdom, allowing you to release what wants to be transformed, which allows for the integration of the new energy. I hold you as you soak in the new vibrant energy so that your body can recognize this new energy, bringing you back into sacred alignment. 

I end the session with Reiki, deep sound, and light healing. When the session is done you will feel complete wholeness, unconditionally loved in a way that you’ve never experienced before, and back home to your body with focus, illumination, peace and clarity. You will go home with a deeper connection to a plant or helping spirit, flower essence, or a crystal being to work with. This allows you to foster and maintain your illuminated body and refreshed connection to your soul & spirit.

120-150 minutes. Exchange $288

Power Animal Retrieval

Everything in existence is made up of energy and has a frequency. When we talk about “Power Animals,” we are referring to the abundant life force they are endowed with, they are living energy that reside in the spirit world. Indigenous cultures believe that every being is given a Power Animal at birth. Power Animals help to navigate the human realm by offering strength, protection and support. The concept of a Power Animal is similar to that of a guardian angel. Through cultivation of a relationship with your Power Animal, you can change your life from mundane to magical. Your personal power can be amplified by association with this extraordinary spirit, whose wisdom helps to increase your awareness and raise your level of consciousness with spiritual guidance.  Through shamanic journey I will travel to the lower spirit world to find the animal that wants to align with you. Upon retrieval we discuss the animals attributes and characteristics to increase your awareness and power.
60 minutes. Exchange $175                     

Drum or Rock Pattern Shifting

Let the drum or rock sing coherence back into your body. When we ride the waves of resonance we can hear our souls sweet music once again. Life can be intense and with this, energy can get stuck in the body causing dis-ease. Pattern release work is vibrational medicine which in turn shifts blocked energy and old patterns that no longer serve our highest good. I like to use plant spirit medicine in combination with this to further aid in the ease of these shifts. If you are experiencing pain in your physical body, difficult persistent emotions, negative thought loops, or living in a heightened state of stress, a pattern release session can help reset the system and get energy flowing. Once a pattern is disrupted, reiki and other supports will be offered to help create new energy pathways to step into your renewed empowerment.
60 minutes. Exchange $250

Soul Retrieval

This shamanic practice involves reclaiming a fragmented piece of the soul that has been lost due to any trauma event. The loss of the soul is not a bad thing, it is the natural process the soul engages in to survive the pain and suffering. Psychologists call this “dissociation”. Shamanic practitioners believe that soul loss can be the cause of emotional and physical disease and illness and this is where spirit medicine has something invaluable to offer us.  With this process of reintegration of the soul back into the body, it is possible to align the clients energies back to a wholeness so that true healing can begin.
120 minutes. Exchange $250          

Rock  Divination

Rock Sing is a Plains Indian tradition. Every life form on this planet has an intelligence. When we form a creative partnership with the nature spirits, coming from love, they will respond to us. Using a stone from nature the practitioner opens to the ancient spirit of the rock and with great respect gathers the ancient wisdom of the living being to take in forms of visions and impressions as messages for the client.

60 minutes. Exchange $150

Soul Guiding & Space Clearing

As a “soul concierge” I guide souls (animal or human) to the afterlife.  Most know this as Psychopomp. This term originated from the Greek words pompos which means “conductor or guide” and psyche (breath, life, soul or mind).  This has long been a role of the shaman and many other spirit guides with the ability to travel to the spirit realms and offer help to those in need. A soul guide confirms that there is some form of existence after the death of the body and that a compassionate being will be waiting to offer their assistance through the transition of death. I also offer my assistance to helping those who may be trapped in the spirit realms.  Many of us are discovering that we can apply these skills to both people and the planet as we go through the various earth changes that are now occurring.
Exchange $200-500 depending on complexity **Travel fee-$50

Earth Walk

The land calls us home. It is my purpose & passion to introduce you to the land that you live on.

Would you like to meet the guardian and sentient beings of your land? There are wild plants and beings that are there for you specifically, would you like a deeper understanding between you both? Together we will walk in ceremony, create a sacred space and bless the land. The earth is constantly mirroring our ability to heal ourselves, our belonging. When we understand what the land is telling us, we can live symbiotically together.

Through working with the plants & the earth, I help people see themselves & their gifts. We enter into a journey so that you can witness and heal from the land as well. The mirror of the earth is a reflection of benevolence and the beauty of who we are. The Earth supports us in our healing and is always healing herself. We are not separate, we are one.

Exchange $300 - 3 hours -**Travel fee $50

Distance Healing

All my offerings can be effectively completed over long distances. There is no separation between other dimensions of existence and ours.  The spirit realm or non ordinary reality lies beyond the seen world and is outside of linear time and space so healing may occur even when the client and practitioner are in separate places.  Communication and connection will be done by phone, email or zoom. For more information please connect with me. 



Disclaimer - The information provided is not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any medical condition and is not a substitute for medical treatment. People react differently to herbal remedies and some are contraindicated with certain pharmaceutical drugs. Please consult your medical care provider before using herbal medicine, particularly if you have a known medical condition or if you are pregnant or nursing.