Sacred Soul Alignment

 Not sure where to start? This a great choice for your first time working with me or for those who are open to receiving all channels of healing. 

In these sessions, I work with many modalities, light beings, energies, and plants. I will begin with a journey to my guides and proceed from here with the intention for your highest healing. This work knows no bounds. 

What does this session feel and look like? The session starts with a conversation into what your healing intentions are, working with any questions, fears and life changes. From here I tap into prayer, smudge and clear you. I am guided through an intuitive process as to what sound therapy and modalities to use. Almost always I will bring plants into the session, whether you are drinking them by tea or by placing the plants on the body. From here I guide us through the journey with the plants to receive their guidance and wisdom, bringing you back into sacred alignment. 

I end the session with Reiki, deep sound, and light healing. When the session is done you will feel in complete wholeness, unconditionally loved in a way that you’ve never experienced before, and back home with focus, illumination, and clarity. 

You will go home with a deeper connection to a plant or helping spirit, flower essence, or a crystal being to work with. This allows you to foster and maintain your illuminated body and connection to spirit.

White Wolf, Butterfly Pea & Pine - Testimonial

Kristy, with deep gratitude I write this first testimony to your ability to hold space and help birth in a new paradigm.

Today, 2 days after our session, I paint mountain laurel flowers with a greater focus. In allowing myself to slow down into the fine detail of each blossom's design, I am enveloped and held. As I write, a memory from a Spring day in the Uinta Mountains emerges. I am bowing in a silent reverent dance standing on a birch stump in the midst of yellow trout lily flowers. I am in deep gratitude, praise and joy for the yellow blossoms. They hear my 24 year young self, they see me and my divine Self embodies their delight at being seen. I am stepped in this vibration of sun infused aliveness, and the energy flows back and forth and through and in between.

Now, the echo of your wisdom that flowed through you, telling me that the flowers bowed to me, and that this is a high praise, causes me pause. For, to really open to fully receive this compliment is a courageous act of self healing. I bow to receive this. I feel the gnosis that we are all one, so therefore, I am one too. This graceful extension of inclusion, that I am worthy to receive and that is part of the magic. Not only the giving but the receiving. We exist in relationships, and still yet we are all one. To fully receive one's gifts is part of our collective healing, for as we heal ourselves, we heal the world. Humanity expereince's loss when we separate ourselves from nature. When we believe the lie that we are separate. The flowers bow to me and I bow to them and I rejoin into the origins of my Natural Devine embodied Humanity. Each cell connected through natural fragments of light, water and magic, intertwined. I was once told our DNA has the same angles as our milky way and the great pyramid. The Field is full of fractal waves and we are in the Field amongst the flowers and the cosmos. And my faith is restored in my own unfolding and never ending path of becoming and I am reminded to enjoy the process, and that I am not alone. I am recharging with blue lotus, blue jay, blue flowering pea. White coyote supports this femine process of receiving the depths of these gifts. Allowing myself to be charged and changed and a vessel for holding light and transistor of projecting Truth and becoming Whole.